BAMC SEM 1 Notes – Mass Communication
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Buy BAMC (B.A Mass Communication) Semester 1 Handwritten Notes PDF Online
- Indian Social System
- Indian Constitution
- Fundamental of Communication
- Communitive English
- Communitive Hindi
- Fundamental of Computer
Category: BAMC
BAMC SEM 1 Notes – Mass Communication: Buy BAMC (B.A Mass Communication) Semester 1 Handwritten Notes PDF Online
Buy BAMC (B.A Mass Communication) Semester 1 Handwritten Notes PDF Online
- Indian Social System
- Indian Constitution
- Fundamental of Communication
- Communitive English
- Communitive Hindi
- Fundamental of Computer
Topics Cover (BAMC SEM 1 Notes)
Indian Social System
- Basic concept and types of society
- Indian society structure, characteristics & background
- Community, Institution, Association, Social Structure, Culture
- Social groups and types: Primary, Secondary, In group – Out group.
- Family in Indian society: Function and types of family, changes in Indian family system
- Marriage, Kinship, Religion, Economy and Polity in India
- Culture: Meaning, elements in culture, cultural systems and subsystems
- Culture and environment, cultural progress, ethnocentrism
- Social System: Structural aspects of social system, functional problems of social system – (AGIL)
- Social functions and dysfunction, manifest and latent functions
- Social Processes: Social stratification & forms
- Social Control: Social Change and forms- Modernization and social mobility, Co-operation, Assimilation, Competition and confliet.
- Social Change: Factors of social change
- Education in social change: Importance & need
- Globalization & social change
- Media & social change
Indian Constitution
- Introduction to Constitution, Constitution Law and Constitutionalism.
- Preamble of Constitution
- Historical Perspective of the Constitution of India
- Salient features and characteristics of the Constitution of India
- Scheme of the Fundamental Rights
- The scheme of the Fundamental Duties and its legal status
- The Directive Principles of State Policy-its importance and implementation
- Federal Structure and distribution of legislative and financial powers between the Union and the States
- Parliamentary Form of Government in India-The constitution powers and status of the President of India
- Amendment of the Constitutional Powers and Procedure
- The listorical Perspectives of the Constitutional amendments in India
- Emergency Provision: National Emergency, President Rule, Financial Emergency
- Local Sell Government Constitutional Scheme in India
- Scheme of the Fundamental Right to Equality
- Scheme of the Fundamental Right to certain Freedom under Article 19
- Scope of the Right to Life and Personal Liberty under Article 21
Fundamental of Communication
- Students would be able to introduce themselves to the theories of Communication.
- Students would be able to inculcate the knowledge of Communication models.
- Students would be able to develop the knowledge of basic elements of Communication.
- Students would be able to acquaint themselves with the various types of Communication.
- Canununications: Meaning, definition, unture &scope
- Helef history of communication
- Elements function process of communication
- Role of communication in socialization
- Yonous types of communication Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Group, Mass, Public Strategies of effetive communication JoHrri’s Window Empathy: Transactional Analysis.
- Modles of Communication: Aristotle’s Model, Lasswell Model
- Shimon Weaver Model, Osgood’s Model
- Theories of Communication: Hypodermie Neodle Theory
- Pepondency Theory, Cultivation Theory
- Agenda Setting Theney, Use and Gratification Theory
- Limited Effects Theory
Communitive Hindi
- अक्षर, वर्ण, स्वर-व्यंजनअन्तःस्थ की अवधारणा शब्द, पद, पदबन्ध, शब्द-अर्थसम्बन्ध ।
- उच्चारणअवयव, स्थान, प्रयत्नऔरकार्य, अर्थ की अवधारणा, परिवर्तन के कारण एवंदिशाएँ।
- पर्याय, विलोम, समानार्थी, अनेकार्थी।
- शब्दरचना, रूपरचना, वाक्य रचना-वर्गीकरण।
- संज्ञा, क्रिया, विशेषण, काल, वाच्य।
- हिन्दी भाषा का विकास-प्राचीन, मध्यकालीन, आधुनिक राज भाषा, राष्ट्र भाषा, सम्पर्कभाषा।
- संचार भाषा-पत्रकारिता, दृश्य-श्रव्य अवयव, विज्ञापन।
- भाषा औरबोली, प्रादेशिक बोलियों और उनका वर्गीकरण।
- प्रयोजन मूलकहिन्दी-विज्ञान, वाणिज्य राज भाषा, कार्यकालीनभाषा, पत्र लेखन के प्रकार निमन्त्रण, आदेश, व्यापारिक ।
- प्रशासकीय पत्राचार के विविध रुप-सरकारीपत्र, अर्धसरकारीपत्र, कार्यालय आदेश, राजपत्र, अधिसूचना, पृष्ठाकंन, प्रेसविज्ञप्ति, टिप्पणी, अनुस्मारक, प्रतिवेदन ।
- संधि, समास, उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द ।
- प्रमुख मुहावरों एवंलोकोक्तियों का प्रयोग।
- छंद एवंअलंकारों का उपयोग।
- हिन्दीभाषा की शैली साहित्यिक, औपचारिक, अनौपचारिक, समाज शैली, व्यास शैली।
Communitive English
- English: Introduction to language
- Importance of language in communication process
- Words: origin, meaning and usage
- Articles, Vowels & Consonants
- Introduction to Tenses: Simple, Present, Progressive, Future
- Clauses: Noun Clauses, Adjective Clauses, Adverbial Clauses
- Modals and use of Shall, Should, Will. Reported Speech- Would, May, Might, Can, Could, etc
- Voice-Active and Passive Voice
- Sentences and its types & structure
- Conversion of simple sentences to complex sentences
- Phrases and Idioms
- Noun, Pronoun
Fundamental of Computer
- Introduction to Computer: History, Generations and languages of computer
- Types of Computers, Computer parts and functions
- User and Hardware
- Various Storage Devices, Processing and Communication Hardware
- Memory: Real and virtual, ROM and RAM
- Software Types- System Software, Application Software
- Computer and Communication
- Introduction to Window Linux and Unix, Work on Window
- Introduction to MS Office and its Applications
- MS Word: Features, Menus, Toolbars & Buttons, Creating a New Document, Different Page Views and layouts, Formatting, Paragraph and Page Formatting; Bullets, Numbering, Printing & various print options, Spell Check, Thesaurus, Find & Replace, Auto texts, Working with Columns, Creation& Working with Tables, Mail Merge
- MS Excel: Concepts of Workbook & Worksheets, Using different features with Data, Cell and Texts, Inserting, Removing & Resizing of Columns & Rows, Working with Data & Ranges, Column Freezing, Labels, Hiding, Splitting etc, Use of Formulas, Calculations & Functions, Cell Formatting including Borders & Shading, Working with Different Chart Types
- Introduction of MS PowerPoint: Creating a New Presentation, Working with Presentation, Using Wizards, Slides & its different views, Inserting, Deleting and Copying of Slides, Working with Notes, Handouts, Columns & Lists, Adding Graphics, Sounds and Movies to a Slide, Working with PowerPoint Objects, Designing & Presentation of a Slide Show, Printing Presentations, Notes, Handouts with print options
- Internet: History and Development, World Wide Web
- Internal Protocols and Domain Name System
- Internet Functions-e-mail, Internet Issues, Netiquettes
- Privacy, Morality and Security
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